--------------------------------------------------- Continuous Downloader (:mod:`dccd.continuous_dl`) --------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: dccd.continuous_dl :no-members: :no-inherited-members: :no-special-members: High level API -------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ bitfinex.get_data_bitfinex -- download data from Bitfinex exchange and update the database bitfinex.get_orderbook_bitfinex -- download order book from Bitfinex exchange and update the database bitfinex.get_trades_bitfinex -- download trades from Bitfinex exchange and update the database bitmex.get_data_bitmex -- download data from Bitmex exchange and update the database bitmex.get_orderbook_bitmex -- download order book from Bitmex exchange and update the database bitmex.get_trades_bitmex -- download trades from Bitmex exchange and update the database Low level API ------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ bitfinex.DownloadBitfinexData -- basis object to download data from Bitfinex client websocket API bitmex.DownloadBitmexData -- basis object to download data from Bitmex client websocket API